Adding a new repository to Docker Hub

  • Set up your own account on

  • Get an existing admin (normally your team lead) to add you to the praekeltfoundation organisation

  • Create a new repository under the organisation for your new image

  • Add the automation team as a collaborator to your new repository with write access

  • Use the travis encrypt command locally to encrypt the praekeltorgdeploy Docker Hub password (from 1Password) - for example, encrypt REGISTRY_PASS=supersecretpassword. NOTE: if you are using travis-ci.ORG this will suffice. If you are using travis-ci.COM you may need to use the --pro flag e.g. travis encrypt --pro 'REGISTRY_PASS="secret"'. Travis CI are switching open source projects over to and new projects will use .com.

  • Use the encrypted password environment variable to do docker login in your Travis file like this:

    echo -n $REGISTRY_PASS | docker login -u "$REGISTRY_USER" --password-stdin
  • You can then push an image to Docker Hub using docker-ci-deploy:

    docker-ci-deploy --version $VERSION --version-latest $IMAGE_NAME